Transforming Quarter-Life and Midlife Crises into Golden Masculine Presence: Deepen Your Alignment with Purpose, Passion, Meaning, and Spiritual Interconnectedness
A Unique Men’s Retreat Experiential written and presented by Jeffry Jeanetta-Wark, MA. LICSW, and Dr. Michael Obsatz
Our desire to evolve within each of life's stages creates various existential yearnings. This retreat focuses on the following four aspects:
Finding Meaning and Purpose: Transform isolation into compassionate actions to help alleviate suffering.
Preventing Crisis: Explore ways to prevent quarter/midlife crises by aligning with our authentic self.
Navigating Aging and Legacy: Competently enbrace wisdom, patience, and "paying it forward" as we approach life's later stages.
Embracing End of Life: Make dedicated efforts with joy, peace, and wise acquiescence in preparation for the next journey.
Insufficiently resolving the tension within these can lead to experiencing life crises.
Through this retreat, Jeffry Jeanetta-Wark and Dr. Michael Obsatz guide men who may be experiencing quarter-life or midlife crises towards a more holistic and fulfilling life, encouraging self-reflection, connection with others, and a deeper understanding of their life's purpose.
Through personal reflection, group discussions, and ritual space, participants will connect with other men of good character, make time for their own deep reflection and growth, and find their wild, untamed edge of spiritual expansion.
Participants will learn how to use personal and effective skills grounded in the following areas:
Differences between a quarter-life and midlife crisis.
Concepts of andropause and a “Dark Night of the Soul.”
Components that typically constitute a quarter-life or midlife crisis, and how to prevent or manage such crises.
Tasks for maturing into more healthy adult masculinity to better navigate challenges.
Ways to move from shame-based and fear-based reactions into wholeness, maturity, compassion, empathy,
and connection.Practices for creating deeper accord with one’s essential self and one’s soul through cultivating an intentional gratitude practice.
Embracing life's joy, peace, and wise acquiescence of one’s next big journey.
Quarter-Life Crisis: Typically occurs in one's 20s to early 30s and is marked by feeling trapped, uninspired, uncertain, and anxious about one's life's direction. These individuals may grapple with disillusionment, seek meaning, and question the quality of their lives. These challenges can serve as a wake-up call to live more authentically and soulfully.
Midlife Crisis: Generally affects individuals aged 45 to 65 and beyond. Common experiences include lifestyle dissatisfaction, spiritual lethargy, existential questioning of life's meaning, energy depletion, irritability, and lowered sex drive. This prompts reflections on mortality and cultivating wisdom vs. despair. There's a strong desire to leave a positive legacy.
Jeffry Jeanetta-Wark, MA, LICSW
Jeffry is the owner and lead clinician of the Center for Integrated Well-Being, Inc. (CIWB), a holistic psychotherapy practice in Roseville, MN founded in 2004. He is a senior level social worker, a holistic psychotherapist, and educator with more than 32 years of experience. Jeffry has worked in the Twin Cities metro area as a licensed school social worker, a program coordinator serving young fathers, a former site coordinator with the Father's Resource Center, and more. He has been involved in men’s work since 1988. Currently, Jeffry provides psychotherapy, and leads men’s retreats, groups, and trainings. He is a national speaker/keynoter on issues of authentic manhood and the curriculum author and lead trainer for Authentic Manhood Programs (AMP).
Dr. Michael Obsatz
Dr. Michael Obsatz is Professor Emeritus at Macalester College in St. Paul, MN. He taught education and sociology classes for 40 years, including Institution of the Family, Death, Dying and Bereavement, Male Socialization Issues and Violence, and Human Sexuality. Mike's book, ‘Raising Nonviolent Children in a Violent World’ won the 1999 Minnesota Book Award and the Catholic Press Association Award. He also wrote ‘Healing Our Anger’ and ‘From Stalemate to Soulmate.’ His website and he's on Daivd Tillman's Mike is a mentor, filmmaker, workshop leader, men's group leader, father, grandfather, and husband. He had a private therapy practice for 20 years. Mike's passion has been men's work, and his mentors have been Abraham Maslow and Robert Bly. He was a member of the Board (Visioning Circle) of the Franciscan Retreat Center called "Claire's Well" in Annandale, MN for 28 years. He was mentored by three Sisters of Little Falls, MN in Franciscan Spirituality, including Richard Rohr's books. Mike can be found at Mentors Matter and on David Tillman’s website, Life’s Journey
The cost for the event is $299 per person
Lodging will be in the Lakeside building. The rooms sleep 2 to 5 individuals.
Please bring your own bedding and pillow. A sleeping bag and pillow are recommended. There is a limited amount of bedding available for rent from Camp Onamia for $10, but if at all possible, participants are asked to bring their own bedding.
There may be time for wandering the grounds of Camp Onomia. Please bring the appropriate cold weather clothing.
The following meals will be provided: Friday dinner; Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner; Sunday breakfast and lunch. If you have any dietary restriction, please let us know in the Registration Form.
Participants are REQUIRED to complete a Medical Form prior to attending the event. Please click on this link to access and complete the Medical Form.
Do not let a lack of funds prevent you from attending. There are scholarships available. Reach out to for more information.