A Weekend Retreat For Men
Exploring Relationships with Each Other, Creation and the Often Marginalized
Retreat Overview
This summer retreat will focus on being in a true relationship with ourselves, others, and the world around us. These teachings will be surrounded by time in council circles, experiencing ritual and wandering in the beautiful natural environment of Osprey Wilds. We are so blessed to have Okoyeagemon come and lead this Retreat.
Okogyeamon. ASDIC Metamorphosis Executive Director
Okogyeamon (Herbert Perkins, PhD) currently lives in west-central Minnesota, Montevideo. He grew up in the lower-income community of Willowbrook-Compton-Watts, then, a Southern California, predominantly Latino-Black, poor, working-class community. After completing college and teaching at a SF Bay Area, Mountain View, California high school for a year. He took a teaching position in East Pakistan, now called Bangladesh. Then a monk, Brother of Holy Cross, he taught in the village school of Bandura-Hashnabad and a high school in the principal city of Dacca (1962-1969).
The intermingling of contrastive cultures of Willowbrook-Compton-Watts (Black, Latino, Asian) and of Bangladesh – contrastive experiences of color/colorism, caste and ethnicity, religion, language, and customs, provided the foundation for subsequent inquiry, study, learning and teaching. Bangladesh acquainted Okogyeamon with an ancient and culturally rich social environment allowing him space for critical questioning of the givens of ethnic-racial identity in a context absent anti-black racism. Working in this culturally diverse, religiously plural context – among Muslim, Hindu, and Christian people, he became well acquainted with Islam and Hinduism. This experience widened his perspectives and values (especially on spirituality) far beyond the limitations of his Christian upbringing and parochial education. Later cultural enrichment included study in Ghana (one month Fulbright-Hays, group scholarship) and travel in India, Kenya, Europe, and Mexico.
Okogyeamon is co-founder of Antiracism Studies Dialogue Circles with Margery Otto JD and current Executive Director, ASDIC Metamorphosis.
In addition to his ASDIC Metamorphosis work – program direction, curriculum writing, workshop facilitation, Okogyeamon is pastor of First Congregational Church, Montevideo, MN.
Event Details:
Two Options
Option 1: A one-day retreat with Okogyeamon on Saturday, June 25th from 9am to 8:30pm. Lunch and dinner are provided.
Option 2: Arrive Friday afternoon or evening for individual reflection time, followed by drumming and a bonfire at 8pm. Dinner is not provided on Friday. Stay overnight (in Crosby Lodge or in your own tent near Crosby). A light breakfast will be provided at Crosby on Saturday before the retreat. Then stay over Saturday night for more drumming and a bonfire. Join us Sunday for some additional activities, brunch, Illuman updates and a closing ritual. We plan to be wrapped up by noon. Showers will be available in Crosby for individuals who choose to tent.
Suggested Donation of $200
Crosby Lodge: 14 rooms with private bathrooms, 2 – 4 men per room, 4 wood bunkbeds/room. Located next to the dining hall. Bring your own bedding. Weather permitting will meet outside or in Crosby Lodge meeting room.
Please complete a healthcare questionnaire before attending the event here.
COVID-19 Requirements: All participants must be fully vaccinated. Proof of vaccination status will be required as part of the on-site registration process. Individual’s decisions to mask or to not mask will be honored. Full refunds given to anyone who feels any symptoms the day of and chooses not to attend.