The future of humanity will be decided not by relations between nations,
but by relations between women and men.
~ D. H. Lawrence
At birth we are assigned a gender based on our physical anatomy. From that moment forward, gender-based familial and cultural expectations, pressures, opportunities, and limitations begin working on us, shaping our choices and behavior, often outside of conscious awareness.
Eventually significant parts of our internal gender spectrum become repressed and disavowed, hidden out of awareness as Shadow components, leading to a fracturing of our wholeness.
During this intensive, nature-based experiential gathering we will have opportunities to explore and reclaim the continuum of feminine and masculine aspects inherent in us all. We will wrestle with such profoundly important questions as: Who are we? And who would we be if gender were not such a dividing line, not only between people but also within each of us? How might reclaiming our gender wholeness lead to both personal and cultural transformation? We must grapple with such questions in order to recognize the harm that male privilege and unbalanced patriarchy inflicts upon us all. By reclaiming our own gender wholeness we can then contribute to the necessary healing of gender-wound driven divisions that continue to cripple our culture.
To help guide us, we will use the four-direction, nature-based model of the psyche developed by Bill Plotkin in Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche. The intensive will include a combination of council sharing, directed wanders, journaling, dream tending, and other Soulcraft™ practices in a natural setting.
Everyone at any place on the gender identity and sexual orientation spectrum is welcome. In fact, the more diverse our group is, the richer and more “wholing” the experience will be for us all.
Retreat Leaders:
Glenn Siegel
Glenn Siegel, M.D. facilitated personal transformation through the privileged position of his profession as a psychiatrist for over three decades. Now retired from psychiatric practice, Glenn has retrained as a Wild Mind™ nature-based guide through the Animas Valley Institute for those courageous enough to risk an encounter with their soul gifts and the psycho-spiritual upheaval that may result. It is through such a journey that deepest healing and integrative wholeness can occur so that our most profound contributions to both humanity and the larger Earth community can be realized. An active member of Illuman, Glenn underwent his MROP in 2016 and Elder Rites of Passage in 2018.
Bryan Smith
Bryan is a Presbyterian pastor, an ICF credentialed life coach, a trained spiritual director, and a certified nature-based human development guide through the Animas Valley Institute. Bryan underwent his men’s rites of passage at Pilgrim Park in 2014. He has a particular interest in helping men to discover, embrace, and manifest their fully authentic God-given identity. Bryan is a founding partner of both Sacred Dance Coaching and Guiding and Seminary of the Wild.
Date: February 7-9, 2020
Time: Friday 6:00PM - Sunday 12:00PM
***: On Friday, you may arrive anytime after 3:00PM to enjoy the space. Dinner is at 6:00PM. Program begins at 7:00PM ***
Koinonia Retreat Center
7768 Pilger Avenue NW
South Haven, MN 55382-3808
Includes room and all meals from Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast - all in a tranquil wooded setting on the beautiful Koinonia retreat grounds.
Note: There is an option to provide an extra $25 as a gift to help another brother in financial need to participate in the retreat. Please prayerfully consider this option.
NOTE: After registering for this event you will receive an email confirming your purchase. THIS WILL SERVE AS YOUR YOUR CONFIRMATION. More information will follow in a later email.