Soularize 2016
MEN Talks: Show Up and Act!
SAVE THE DATE - Soularize 2016 - Illuman Men’s Conference
Immediately following Soularize 2016 will be the Drawing from a Deep Well conference with Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM.
Join us and explore the many ways compassionate service can flow naturally from your faith and prayer life. Twelve men speak openly about their spiritual work and how it manifests in their personal lives, work places, and communities.
The Soularize gathering is an opportunity to meet like-minded men who share a commitment to a deeper spiritual journey. You’ll have the opportunity to participate in council, spend time in nature, and pray together. Show up and discover authentic ways of doing and being.
REGISTRATION is now closed. Contact Illuman to inquire about vacancies.
Illuman is a global not for profit organization committed to supporting men who are seeking to deepen their spiritual lives. Learn more at